Melanie Wolfers, SDS

© Foto: Cathrine Stuckhard / laif

Melanie Wolfers, SDS

Philosopher, theologian, bestselling author, podcaster of 'GANZ SCHÖN MUTIG – Dein Podcast für ein erfülltes Leben', and nun of the Salvatorian Order. She studied theology and philosophy in Freiburg and Munich. Melanie Wolfers was a student pastor at the Ludwigs-Maximilian-Universität Munich. In 2004 she entered the Salvatorian Order. During her training, she was on a social mission in the West Bank, Palestine, for several months. In 2008 she founded ‘IMpulsLEBEN’, a project for assisting young adults with finding meaning, spiritual life, and social commitment. Her latest book, ‚Entscheide dich und lebe! Die Kunst eine kluge Wahl zu treffen‘ was published in 2020. In October 2021, her book ‘Zuversicht. Die Kraft, die an ein Morgen glaubt’ will be published.
