Thomas Trenkler

Thomas Trenkler
Thomas Trenkler was born in 1960 in Salzburg and grew up in Graz. He studied German and Art History, his dissertation dealt with the language of advertising (doctorate in 1991). Since 1984 he has been working as a journalist, in the years from 1985 until 1990 he was a staff member and press officer, respectively, of the festival ‘steirischer herbst’ in Graz. Since 1990 he has been a freelancer; between the years 1992 and 2014, he worked as a cultural editor at ‘Der Standard’ in Vienna, since 2015 he has been holding this position at the newspaper ‘Kurier’. Since 2014 he has been writing on his own blog, He published a number of books amongst which are ‘Der Fall Rothschild. Chronik einer Enteignung’ (Modlen 1999), ‘Wiedersehen im Niemandsland. Die Geschichte dreier Brüder 1940-1949’ (Czernin 2000), ‘Ich fiel in eine Welt. Gespräche über die Kunst und das Leben’ (Brandstäter 2013), and ‘Das Zeitalter der Verluste. Gespräche über ein dunkles Kapitel’ (Czernin 2013).